
Hessle Rambling Club


Throughout the year we have a variety of meals and meetings, to coincide with walks and these are listed below:


On usually the second Sunday in December members enjoy a 'breakfast' at a local Inn/ Restaurant/Hotel prior to embarking on a walk, then usually calling into a cafe later in the day, to enjoy some further refreshment. 


We will be having a "fish and chip tea" for members, at Whiteheads restaurant, Hornsea, following our walk in February 2025, with this being enjoyed by all, as in previous years.  


Our meeting to arrange the next years walks, is usually held in July. The walks are selected from offers made by our Walk Leaders, to give a good variety of locations and types for the coming year.


Our Annual General Meeting is usuallly held on a Monday in August, at 7-30pm at premises to be determined. Our Annual subscription of £25 is paid on this night and the new walks list issued, together with membership cards. For those not attending the AGM, the annual subscription can be paid during the following months. 


Updated january 2025